Appearances House of the Dragon: Season 1 appearances Shireen is reading The Dance of Dragons, A True Telling and retells the story of Vhagar and Ser Byron Swann to Davos, which they share a laugh over. While incarcerated and learning to read, Davos has trouble reading Vhagar's name. While Arya is in the service of Tywin in Harrenhal, she mentions that Vhagar was one of the three dragons used in the War of Conquest, ridden by Visenya Targaryen. Viserys tells Doreah that Vhagar's skull decorated the Great Hall of the Red Keep prior to Robert's Rebellion. Being about five times larger than the younger dragon, she easily rips him apart. Above the storm, Vhagar catches Arrax in her mouth. Enraged, Vhagar pursues, ignoring Aemond as he desperately tries to regain control of her. But Arrax, against Luke's wishes, turns around and blasts Vhagar with dragonflame. After nearly snatching him several times, she loses track of Arrax when the small dragon flies into a ravine, far too narrow for her to follow. After Lucerys and Arrax leave, Aemond pursues on Vhagar to scare him and take one of his eyes as revenge for losing his own shortly after he claimed Vhagar. She notices the arrival of Lucerys Velaryon and Arrax. Īemond rides Vhagar to Storm's End to treat with and gain the support of Lord Borros Baratheon for Aegon. Later, during the royal family's return to King's Landing, Aemond rides Vhagar home. Having now claimed and bonded with her, Aemond takes her for a first flight though he nearly falls to his death having not properly fastened himself to the saddle, he is able to fly her around Driftmark. She initially ignores his attempt to mount her and goes back to sleep, but when Aemond tries again, Vhagar nearly unleashes her dragonfire on him but is successfully commanded by Aemond in High Valyrian. ĭays later, as she sleeps on the beach of High Tide, Vhagar is awakened by Aemond Targaryen, who desires to ride a dragon.

Eventually, she complies and unleashes her dragonfire, incinerating Laena to prevent a more drawn out and painful death. Unwilling to die in bed, she stumbles outside to find Vhagar, before giving the command "Dracarys." Vhagar hesitates, unwilling to burn her rider despite her repeated pained commands. Sometime later, Laena suffers a difficult birth, with everyone believing the child must be cut out of her to survive. Laena takes great pride in riding the largest known living dragon in the world, riding alongside her husband Daemon and his own dragon Caraxes.

More than a decade later, Vhagar is the mount of Laena herself. Viserys muses that even dragons can get lonely. Laena says that traders in Spicetown on her native Driftmark claim to hear her song at times, and that it sounds sad.

By this time, Vhagar's size was such that she was too large to remain in the Dragonpit. In conversation with Lady Laena Velaryon, Viserys tells her that Vhagar has not been seen for some time, but that the Dragonkeepers believed she had made her nest along the coast of the Narrow Sea. Queen Aemma Arryn tells her husband, King Viserys, that their daughter Rhaenyra has picked a dragon egg that reminds her of Vhagar for her unborn sibling, who she hopes will be a girl named Visenya. She eventually became the mount of Baelon Targaryen until his death. įollowing the death of Balerion sometime before the accession of Viserys I Targaryen to the Iron Throne, Vhagar remained the last of the three dragons who had come to Westeros with the Targaryens. The Vale surrendered, and true to her word, Visenya gave Ronnel a ride atop Vhagar. Young Ronnel did ask one condition for his surrender: in return, Visenya would give him a ride around the Eyrie atop her dragon. Visenya did not need to burn the Eyrie as Aegon had burned Harrenhal: her display of force with Vhagar and easily befriending Ronnel was enough to convince the Arryns to surrender. At the time, the King of Mountain and Vale was only a small boy, Ronnel Arryn, whose mother Sharra was acting as his regent. Similar to how Aegon had dealt with Harrenhal, Visenya simply flew Vhagar directly over the mountains, and came to rest in the courtyard of the Arryn's own castle, the Eyrie. Nonetheless, House Arryn thought that the Vale could still resist Targaryen domination by hiding behind the impregnable Mountains of the Moon along their borders, and fortifying the mountain passes beyond any hope of attack. She was one of the three dragons present at the Field of Fire, the decisive battle of the conquest that ensured Targaryen mastery of the Seven Kingdoms. Vhagar was flown by Aegon's sister-wife Visenya during the War of Conquest.