In this text, we decided to address a highly specific but common situation: the use of the simple moderation model and its estimation with the use of linear regression. How these relationships occur and under which circumstances are important questions in the development of the theory, and models with moderation can help to understand the process under study better.

Research hypothesis should be prepared based on theories, and it is the responsibility of the researcher to ensure that the mechanisms behind the expected relationships between the variables in the study are made clear. Hypothesis tests, in the statistical sense, constitute an important stage of theoretical-empirical works using a quantitative approach. Palavras-chave: modelo de moderação simples, pick-a-point analysis, spotlight analysis, Johnson-Neyman technique, floodlight analysis. Espera-se contribuir com a disseminação da técnica e com boas práticas de apresentação de análises estatísticas em artigos acadêmicos. São abordados os seguintes tópicos: i) apresentação do modelo de moderação simples – pressupostos, diagramas conceitual e estatístico, e equações do modelo ii) probing do efeito de moderação e iii) recomendações de como reportá-lo em artigos acadêmicos. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar o modelo de moderação simples como recurso para o teste de hipóteses de pesquisa no campo da Administração. Keywords: Simple moderation model, Pick-a-point analysis, Spotlight analysis, Johnson-Neyman technique, Floodlight análisis. We hope to contribute to the field by disseminating the technique and good practices for presenting statistical analyses in academic articles.

The following topics are addressed: i) presentation of the simple moderation model - assumptions, conceptual and statistical diagrams, and model equations ii) probing the moderating effect and iii) recommendations on how to report it in scholarly articles. The objective of this paper is to present the simple moderation model as a resource for testing research hypotheses in the field of business.